STEM Cell Therapy for orthopedic applications

Boulder Biologics’ stem cell therapy procedures use patients’ own mesenchymal stem cells to support the healing of acute or chronic injuries.

Mesenchymal stem cells can turn into (differentiate into) cartilage, tendon, ligament, muscle, bone, or vasculature cells.

Cartilage, tendon, ligament, muscle, bone, and vasculature cells may become damaged upon injury. Healing the injury requires repairing or replacing damaged cells. Mesenchymal stem cells are valuable to injury repair because they can replace damaged cells.

Stem cell therapy supplies injured tissue with a high concentration of mesenchymal stem cells derived from the patient’s own bone marrow and/or fat. These cells augment the tissue’s ability to rebuild and recover.

Mesenchymal stem cells derived from bone marrow differ from those derived from fat - each confers distinct benefits. Including both types in stem cell therapy is thought to increase the procedure's efficacy.

Stem cell procedures are effective for treating acute or chronically injured tendons, ligaments, bones, or joints. Conditions we treat include:

  • Osteoarthritis

  • Bone edema

  • Avascular necrosis of bone

  • Bone fracture nonunions

  • Tendon injuries

  • Ligament injuries

  • Articular cartilage injuries

The Stem Cell Therapy Procedure

  1. Check-in and blood draw: Upon arrival, we check in with the patient and draw their blood for their PRP treatment. For more information about PRP, refer to the PRP website page.

  2. PRP preparation: In our lab, we separate the patient’s plasma from their red blood cells. Next, we concentrate immune cells, proteins, and growth factors (the PRP) found within the plasma and prepare it for injection.

  3. Harvest procedure: We begin the bone marrow and fat harvest procedure. Dr. Glowney collects a small amount of bone marrow from the patient’s posterior sacroiliac spine (PSIS) and a small amount of fat from the patient’s flank (“love handles”).

  4. Cell concentration in the lab: We concentrate the collected bone marrow (where the mesenchymal stem cells are found) to prepare it and the harvested fat for injection. 

  5. Stem cell and PRP administration: Using an ultrasound machine or fluoroscopy for visual guidance, the patient’s PRP and stem cells are injected into the patient’s injury.

  6. The injected PRP and stem cells stimulate injury repair over time. 

Patients remain awake during the procedure. We may supply them with a prescription sedative like Valium if they elect to take it. Many patients manage the procedure without a sedative.

Though patients remain in the clinic for three to four hours, much of that time is spent preparing their PRP and stem cells in our lab. The harvest takes 20-30 minutes and the delivery takes 15-45 minutes.

FAQs and more information about the procedures (both the harvest and injections) are included at the bottom of this website page.

Boulder Biologics’ Unique Approach

Boulder Biologics’ stem cell therapy strategy is unique in that we:

  • Customize cell concentrations according to the patient’s injury severity and location

  • Ensure optimal cell counts and viability using flow cytometry

  • Use ultrasound and/or fluoroscopy imaging devices to ensure precise injection

  • Operate in bio-cabinets for sterility

Dr. Glowney has extensive experience completing successful image-guided procedures.

If you are interested in receiving stem cell therapy for your injury, we encourage you to contact us.

About the Bone Marrow and Fat Harvest Procedure

  1. First, the skin is disinfected on the surface of the patient’s lower back. 

  2. A numbing agent is injected into and around the patient’s PSIS.

  3. Next, a specialized needle is inserted into the PSIS, and bone marrow aspirate is extracted. If appropriate, we may choose to use an ultrasound machine for visual guidance during this step.

  4. After the bone marrow extraction, a small incision is made in the skin of the patient’s lower back, and some fat tissue is extracted from the area.

  5. This procedure takes about 20-30 minutes.

About the Stem Cell and PRP Injections

  1. First, the site of injection is disinfected. 

  2. A non-acidic and non-toxic numbing agent is injected into the site of the patient’s injury.

  3. Next, an ultrasound or fluoroscopy machine is used for visual guidance, and the patient’s PRP is injected into the patient’s injury. The mesenchymal stem cells are then injected into the site of the injury. 

  4. This procedure takes about 15-45 minutes. The duration depends on where the injury is located and the type of imaging device Dr. Glowney selects to use.

  5. Upon completion, Dr. Glowney discusses aftercare with the patient.

Stem Cell FAQ

Mesenchymal Stem Cells - Phase contrast microscopy of MSC proliferation with abundant daughter cells (images 1,2), and MSC plastic adherence 2 hours after passaging (image 3).